Welcome to the Odyssey Online Student Application System - Thank you for your interest in applying to Odyssey Preparatory Academy.
Admission Policies and Procedures
Odyssey Preparatory Academy is open to all Kindergarten through 5th grade students in Brevard and surrounding counties. Applications are accepted between January 1st and the deadline of February 15th to be placed in the lottery. Applications may be submitted online. Upon submission, all applications will be screened for completeness. If a parent is applying for more than one child, an application must be completed for each child. Odyssey accepts students on a first come, first served basis, unless the number of applications exceeds the number of seats available in any grade by February 15th, in which case a lottery will be conducted. Remaining applications not selected through the lottery will be placed on a waitlist in the order drawn from the lottery. Applications received after the lottery will be added to the waitlist as they are received. Students not selected for admission may reapply starting in January for the following school year.
A lottery will be held on February 15th to fill those vacancies that remain after enrollment preference is given. Parents will be notified in writing of their child’s acceptance no later than 21 days after the acceptance period deadline and have 10 days to notify the school in writing of their decision to attend. Waiting List - A waiting list will be maintained for each grade level if applications exceed available space. Parents will be notified in writing of their student placement on the waiting list.
All information requested on this application is confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of assisting Odyssey Preparatory with registration and educational planning. By signing this application, the parent or guardian certifies that all information is true and correct. **If any information on this application is false or not openly disclosed, it may be grounds for immediate withdrawal. Should additional testing for student placement be necessary, permission is given to conduct such testing. If student is admitted, permission is given to have all student records transferred from other schools. Submission of a student application does not guarantee admission to the school.
I understand that if my child is accepted, I will be required to attend a School Orientation event scheduled in the Spring as well as Registration in July, and that I am required to provide a copy of my child's birth certificate, immunization records, physical exam and proof of promotion at the time of registration.
If you have any questions about the application process or our schools, please contact our school registrar, Ms. Brooke Councell at councellb@odysseyprepacademy.com or 321-372-7263.